“I’m a Master Money Mindset Breakthrough Mentor who helps heart-centered entrepreneurs “crack their money code” to create financial empowerment, time freedom, and radical self-confidence!”

Do you know the single most important element my clients stress over? It’s how much to charge. Whether you are a new business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur that has been successful for a long time, the money aspect of running a thriving business can be daunting because pricing is money -and ‘money stuff’ never really goes away.

I am convinced that making fabulous cash isn’t just a perk of being an entrepreneur - it's our spiritual calling! As Founder of Intentionality LLC, I swapped my role as a “talk therapist” for a mentor's hat, and I’m on a mission to transform the way women view wealth - and the value of their services and time.

Because our mindset around money is tied to our emotions, it’s easy to get discouraged and stressed out without support and mentorship.

With my unique proven “Crack Your Money Code” mentoring formula, I’m able to help you zero in on core issues quickly and break through what you’ve been able to achieve in “talk therapy” by uncovering and clearing the internal blocks and barriers that prevent you from achieving financial empowerment and time freedom.

My formula - which takes you from confusion and chaos to clarity, confidence, and cash - involves:

  • Clarity about your unique zone of genius.

  • “Energetic makeovers”- using a unique process called ThetaHealing® to uncover and clear out old, disempowering beliefs and energy that exist on the subconscious levels about money.

  • Cracking your “money code” through an assessment called “Sacred Money Archetypes” that leads you through a journey of discovery about your history, secret fears, patterns, and past experiences with money to create a NEW relationship of confidence and self-trust with money.

  • Discovering your ideal client and your niche – instead of burning yourself out trying to be all things to all people.

  • Branding the soul of your brilliance with authenticity and meaning.

  • Creating a signature system that positions your expertise into intellectual property – and allows you to save time by repeatedly re-purposing your system!

  • Designing simple and profitable high-end packages for your clients.

  • Learning how to charge what you’re worth -and get it!

  • Knowing how hold courageous money conversations and state your premium prices with as much ease as: “Please pass the salt.”

  • Knowing how to operate from a NEW wealthy mindset, accompanied by radical self-confidence!

With over 30 years as a therapist, coach and mentor, I am known for my ability to help my clients quickly move past "head trash" to eliminating stressors, stepping into their zone of genius, establishing healthy boundaries, and achieving transformational lucrative results!

If you are ready to take a bold leap to claim your Epic Life & Business, please click the link below to receive my Money Mindset Breakthrough Checklist, and a complimentary 15-minute strategy session: https://connecttocarmen.com/mindsetbts

“I believe when you have clarity about your intentions, you can live your truth and own your worth at the highest levels. My mission is to help you maximize your brilliance, your income, and your time freedom!”